Attention Men Over 45: 

Sick & Tired Of Feeling Fat, Drained, & “Not In The Mood?”

Eat this sweet “anabolic candy”before 10 pm to shred stubborn fat, begin to pile on more rock-solid muscle… and start to unleash a flood of energizing testosterone almost overnight * 1 2 3

The mayo clinic, cleveland clinic, & the american journal of men’s health agree… a key nutrient inside this man-boosting “candy” combats the hidden “cannibal-chemical” wasting-away your muscles, manhood, and youth!

FORGET about your testosterone levels…

How much protein you eat…

What kind of exercise you’re doing…

Or how many candles are on the birthday cake…

One reason your body feels like it’s falling apart…

And you have less “get up and go”...

Where you feel like crap rolling out of bed in the morning…

Has to do with a “lethal” cannibal-like chemical pumping through your bloodstream right now that…

“Melts” Your Muscles Like Concrete Dissolving In Battery Acid…

Turning those once rock-hard bulges in your arms, pecs, and abs… into a soft and squishy mess… 4

Picking at your masculinity like vultures on a pile of roadkill.

  • Lower libido?5
  • Fat piles on fast and feels almost impossible to lose? 6
  • Lost your competitive-drive?
  • Confidence in the gutter?
  • Testosterone dropping like a sack of potatoes tossed over the Empire State building?

Look no further than the cannibal chemical you’ll discover on this page.

The good news is…

Starting today you can…

Reclaim A Youthful Body Using A Kindergarten-Simple 4-Second Routine…7

  • That simultaneously turbocharges and supports your testosterone and manly swagger… 8 *
  • Helps you maximize your workouts and nutrition as you pack on lean muscle and shred the embarrassing jiggly fat you see in the mirror… 9 *
  • Increase strength levels… so you can push the weights harder than any guy you know, even guys 10, 20, 30 years younger…10*

What you’re about to discover has NOTHING to do with pills or powders…

Following strict crash diets…

Hitting the gym or pounding the pavement even more…

And as crazy as it sounds… you won’t need any additional willpower or self-discipline either.

This strange anabolic “candy” contains a key nutrient backed by a breakthrough study in the American Journal of Men’s Health…

And you’re going to do backflips when you learn…

How 1 Serving Of This “Movie-Theater” CandyBefore 10 PM:

Is giving men of all ages, especially over 45

Permission to replace cabinets full of expensive herbal pills.

So don’t let those clever men’s performance ads or commercials fool you…

Reclaiming your masculinity doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or humiliating…

Just Pop One Of These In Your Mouth TONIGHT And Your God-Given Man Hormones Will Know What To Do Next

I was just as skeptical as you probably are right now…

I’ve been into fitness for as long as I can remember…

So I’ve seen just about every gimmick you can imagine…

Yet this is something completely different…

The research behind this age-defying secret is incredible

It’s so surprising…

That if this specific nutrient wasn’t backed by the head integrative medicine specialist at a major University Research Clinic…11

A university hospital ranked top 5 in the world… 12

And responsible for some of the country’s biggest health breakthroughs

I wouldn’t have believed it for myself.

This Discovery Is Already Helping Thousands Of Older Men Regain Lost Muscle And Sculpt Rippling Pecs, Arms, And Abs…*

Especially when combined with any sort of well-rounded health regimen you may be following.

This BREAKTHROUGH will be your new secret weapon to help:

  • Reignite the boyhood energy and metabolism of your youth… so you can support burning fat virtually around the clock… 13*
  • Feel “superhuman” in your 50s, 60s, and 70s with a head-turning physique that drops jaws…
  • Put guys your age to shame as you push the weights with ease and have the extra stamina to perform any physical demand… *

But it’s important you stay locked in right here and now. With…

Experts Praising This Strange Anabolic “Candy” For Its Muscle-Saving, Performance-Enhancing “Superpowers”…*

It’s on Big Corporation’s radar.

Those fat cats want men fat, weak, and running on empty…

And if recent events tell us anything about Big Corp…

It’s that they want to steal your freedom of choice too…

So it’s only a matter of time before they try to silence the growing excitement around this anabolic loophole by whatever means necessary…

So keep reading because I’m not sure how much longer this information will be free.

Plus— When You Keep Reading You’ll Also Discover:

And so much more…

But first, let me quickly introduce myself, then uncover…

My Secret To “Growing Young” While Pushing 70 Years Old

Hey, I’m John Shumate…

A 64 year-old personal trainer…

I used to be a director for the world’s top muscle building and fat loss information site—…

More recently I’ve been recognized as a top celebrity trainer in India…

Helping actors shred fat and build muscle FAST for big screen roles…

The actors in India don’t eat nearly as much protein as action-hero celebrities in the states…

Plus they eat a ton of soy…


Both of which you’d assume would hold them back from getting ripped…

So what’s their secret to a rock-solid physique?

I’m going to reveal the little-known trick they use to get into cover-model shape on this page…

But first, let me address the pink elephant in the room.

You Probably Think I’m On Some “Enhancement” To Look Like This At My Age…



I’m as natural as the horses on my western Kentucky ranch…

And not only do I have to keep my testosterone and energy high to wrangle the cattle on my 12 acre property…

But I’ve got a hot wife who’s 23 years younger than me…

So you better believe I’ve tried everything to stay at the top of my game naturally . And…

Nothing Has Been More Powerful For My Testosterone Than THIS One Little Secret I Picked Up In India

The REAL Secret To Reclaim Your Manhood Whether You’re 45 Or 75…

Is neutralizing the cannibal chemical wreaking havoc inside your body right now.

Chances are…

You’ve been fussing with this underlying problem forever and I bet you’re sick of it. HERE’S HOW YOU KNOW:

  • Tired when you wake up?
  • Does your “buddy” occasionally not stand at “full salute” some mornings?
  • Hit the snooze button at least once?
  • Sluggishly roll out of bed instead of jumping to your feet with energy?
  • Can’t shed weight or build muscle like you want?
  • Occasional moodiness, brain fog, feel “flat” and have less interest in sex?

If You Said “Yes” To Any Of The Above Then This Cannibal Chemical May Be Making You Sluggish, Weak, And “Gimpy”…

Don’t believe me?

Well, maybe you can believe the Mayo Clinic…14

Or research teams from the University of North Carolina…15

Or the white coats from Harvard…16

Because they all suggest this cannibal chemical is sabotaging men 45+...

So What Is This Cannibal Chemical?

It’s a hormone called cortisol.

You’ve probably heard of cortisol before…

But most men don’t know just how detrimental it can be for guys in our age bracket.

Cortisol is an ancient “survival” hormone…

It’s what triggers the “fight-or-flight” response in us. If it didn’t…

Early humans would’ve been nothing more than ready-made meals for prehistoric predators…

But thanks to cortisol… Our ancient ancestors were able to 1) pick up their spears and fend-off these wild beasts, or 2) get the hell out of dodge before becoming a late night snack.

So you might be thinking…

If Cortisol Was “Good” For Us Back Then... Why Is It “Bad” For Us Today?

Cortisol is a very POWERFUL hormone. However…

It’s only designed to be released in short bursts for a very limited amount of time

Mainly, when you’re in DANGER…

And that’s when your adrenal glands pump-out cortisol.

Cortisol sends signals to your hypothalamus…


The “command center” of your brain…

To shut down other bodily functions like your immune, digestive, and reproductive system (where your testosterone is made)...

So it can focus all of its attention on survival.

I’ll share exactly how cortisol impacts your masculinity in a minute. But first…

Here’s where the problem lies…

Our Environment And Its Stressors Have Changed A Lot Since Prehistoric Times...

You don’t see any sabertooth tigers roaming the streets, right?

We’ve got cushy warm homes to keep warm during winter, yes?

Yet our hard-wired survival hormone cortisol has remained the same…

Meaning whenever you’re stressed…

Your body still thinks it’s a “life or death” situation. So when you:

  • Give a presentation at work…
  • Are stuck in traffic
  • Argue with a family member…
  • Get pissed at some idiot on Facebook…
  • Stress about inflation…

Your body reacts as if you’re being chased by a lion…

And dumps cortisol into your bloodstream to help you “survive”...

And being in this state consistently is a recipe for disaster. Because…

Like research shows…

As Long As Your Body Is Producing Cortisol… It Can’t Produce Testosterone. 17

Think of cortisol’s relationship with testosterone like a gas and break.

Testosterone is the accelerator pedal…

Accelerating your muscle gains and fat burning…*

Boosting your energy levels and supporting sex drive…*

It’s the ultimate fountain of youth for every red-blooded male.


Cortisol Acts Like The Brake Pedal


And virtually puts a dead stop on testosterone production at first…

And then may contribute to LOWER testosterone production over time.

The #1 ranked hospital in the world and scientific publications in journals like Endocrine Connections…

Along with researchers from the department of Exercise and Sports Science lab at a prestigious University in North Carolina reported:

“Human research has shown the administration of cortisol into circulation at rest will result in reduced blood testosterone levels.” 18 Basically…

Cortisol Goes Up =
Testosterone Goes Down19

To make matters worse…

Studies show cortisol levels increase as we get older…20 21

And that’s in part because over time… stress accumulates.

After you turned 18 you started paying your own bills…

Raising kids…

Maybe went through marital troubles or even a divorce…

And all of this builds on top of one another, brick by brick…

And contributes to boosted cortisol levels…

So by the time you’re 45+... your cortisol levels are MUCH higher than they used to be…

Which may help explain why your testosterone levels are lower than they used to be. And…

Testosterone Isn’t The Only Part Of Your Masculinity Taking A Critical Hit…

Studies show cortisol eats away at muscle mass and makes men weaker with age. 22

Cortisol is a catabolic hormone…

“Catabolic” is where we get the word “cannibal”...

Meaning it breaks down your body’s own muscle tissue…

So when your cortisol levels are “up”...

Your body literally cannibalizes… eating away at your muscles for energy…

And speeding up age-related muscle loss. In fact…

A study from the Netherlands found that men with higher cortisol levels were up to 2x as likely to lose muscle strength compared to guys with lower cortisol levels. 23


Cortisol Is Also A “Fat-Storing” Hormone…


Which is why after 45 it seems like fat piles on fast and refuses to come off…

But not just any fat…

Cortisol specifically contributes to STUBBORN FAT.

Studies show when your cortisol levels increase… it causes a higher amount of stubborn fat to store. 24 25 Meaning…

You could have two 180 lb guys who eat the same diet and follow the same training program. And…

The Guy With Higher Cortisol Levels Is More Likely To Have More Fat Than The Guy With Lower Cortisol Levels…

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

Because stubborn fat grows “cortisol receptors”...

Which are like tiny magnets that attract even more fat-storing cortisol to those problem areas…

Signaling to your body to store even more fat. See…


All fat cells start out as “baby” fat cells…

Meaning they’re small cells that can potentially burn easily. However…

When cortisol levels increase…

It turns those easy-to-burn “baby” fat cells into mature, lazy “couch potato” fat cells…26

Making them seemingly impossible to shake. So basically…

Cortisol Makes Your Muscles Smaller And Your Belly Bigger…

For centuries doctors blamed muscle loss, stubborn fat, and other undesired-effects on “regular aging”...

Believing that every guy would eventually get pulled into this downward spiral sometime after turning 45…


Feeling trapped in a body they hate…

Losing confidence every time they looked in the mirror…

Blaming themselves for not being “disciplined” enough…

Or being cursed with “bad” genetics…

But science has finally caught up…

And researchers are now pointing the finger at the real culprit cortisol

But the good news is…

There’s a simple way to help curb the cortisol problem…

Which will be like releasing the “parking brake” on your testosterone… *

And provide support that will help you build muscle, torch fat, and revive the college-jock energy you once had… *

And it’s something you’ll look forward to doing every night before bed…

And speaking of the bedroom…

Cortisol Might As Well Be Called The “Cock Block” Hormone

Because studies show that when men are stressed…

It can contribute to lower libido and other occasional “performance issues”27 28

And that’s because when your cortisol levels increase…

Your blood vessels “tighten up” which may limit blood from getting where it needs to be.

Think about it…


When was the last time you weren’t in the mood for sex?

You were probably stressed about work, had an argument with your spouse or just had lots on your mind…

Whatever it was…

I can promise you the situation triggered a cortisol release which is why you weren’t “in the mood.” And…

Wanna Know Why Women Aren’t As Sex-Crazed As Men?


They have naturally higher cortisol levels. 29

It’s the same reason women have a harder time losing weight than men. They have higher levels of this fat-storing hormone.

Now it’s starting to make sense, right?

So to sum up…

When cortisol is released…

It causes a catabolic-chain reaction…

Which tells your body to “power down” like a cell phone in airplane mode…

… just “survive.” Nothing more.

And That’s Why So Many Guys Throw In The Towel After A Certain Age…

Because naturally rising cortisol levels turn you into a shell of the man you once were…

It can affect your marriage…

Your job…

You don’t have the energy to run around with your kids…

Let alone muster up the motivation to workout…

Your body goes from young, spry, and muscle-packed…

To soft, doughy, and weak.

I hope you’re putting two–and-two together…

This cortisol-testosterone connection fits like a glove.

Now Let’s Address The Issue…

One of the biggest mistakes guys make when learning about cortisol is they go on Google and look for ways to lower it…

It’s blog post after blog post on meditation, yoga, calming teas, breathing exercises…

Sure, that could help for like 2-minutes during your lunch break…

But it’s just not effective to escape the cortisol cycle you’re trapped in.

So let’s set the expectation…

It’s Impossible To Avoid Stress… Unless You Shave Your Head And Live Like A Monk In A Monastery…

But here’s the good news…

You don’t need to eliminate stress entirely to calm cortisol and break out of the muscle-wasting energy-drain you’re handcuffed in.

Instead, do what research from the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and dozens of other Universities points to around this key nutrient and…


Simply Pop One Of These Chewy Anabolic Candies Into Your Mouth Before 10 PM Starting Tonight…


And you’ll calm daily cortisol levels…*

Finally help “release” the excess trapped fat that’s been “immune” to diet and exercise…*

Support rebuilding lost muscle mass… *

And naturally support a surge in your T levels… *

So you can enjoy all the benefits of this man-boosting youth hormone at the gym, the boardroom, and in the bedroom. *

It’s really that powerful...

I Discovered This “Anabolic Candy” While Training Actors And Celebrities In India…


I learned this was one of their premier ways to help maintain high testosterone levels…*

Pack on muscle, support shredding fat, and staying sharp mentally… *

And do it all despite the large amounts of soy they get in their diet…

And how little protein they eat…

Both of which would normally seem like it’d make it impossible for a guy to have vigorous T-levels.

But the reason it still works…

Is because this “anabolic candy” helps to properly balance cortisol levels… *

Making it an easy way for you to build muscle, get stronger, and support eliminating excess fat… *

And support a boost in vigorous testosterone levels with nearly boundless energy… *

And the kind of libido that keeps her purring in your arms. *

This herb is famously nicknamed the “strength of the stallion” in India…

Ayurvedic medicine calls it a “Rejuvenator Tonic” because it… 30 *

Stimulates Sexual Desire And Cranks The Furnace On Your Metabolism…

The scientific name is withania somnifera... 32

Withania somnifera is an adaptogen

And just like the name suggests…

An “adaptogen” is a natural substance that helps your body adapt to stress… *

In other words… it helps “bring down” your cortisol levels until you actually need them.*


So it’s no shock that one of the most prized benefits of withania somnifera…

Is a noticeable reduction in feelings of minor daily stress and a boost in mood to help combat the “cannibal chemical” cortisol. *

A groundbreaking new study published in the journal Medicine…

Used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study…

Which is the gold-standard of any experiment you can do…

To examine the effects of withania somnifera on 60 stressed-out adults for 60 days…

They either took a placebo or 240 mg of withania somnifera once a day.

No changes to their lifestyle…

No meditation, breathing techniques, yoga, or any other time-consuming methods…

And the results showed…

Those Taking Withania Somnifera Experienced A Greater Reduction In Cortisol … And A Big Boost In Testosterone… 33 34 *

And while that alone was impressive…

I was curious…

If those kinds of results happen with just 240 mg of withania somnifera…

What If You Were To Double Or Triple The Amount Of Withania Somnifera?


And that’s when I stumbled on a handful of studies that showcased just how powerful this herb really is.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition upped the dosage to 600 mg of withania somnifera to see how it would affect men with their muscle mass, recovery, strength, and T-levels…

In this 8-week gold standard study…

57 men were separated into two groups…

A placebo group… and a group taking 300 mg of withania somnifera, twice a day…

Here are the results of the withania somnifera group from the research team:

“Significant Increase In Muscle Strength…35*

“Significantly Greater Muscle Size…36*

And after researchers from the University of California studied this powerful herb, they suggested it’s a “loophole” to help dodge muscle loss as you get older, saying… *

“This means while withania somnifera is promoting growth pathways, it’s also reducing the activation of pathways which break down muscle”... 40 *

In other words…

It’s addition without subtraction…

You can support building muscle without the catabolic hormone, cortisol, breaking it down. *

And it gets better…

A 2019 study published in the American Journal of Men’s Health…

Ran a 16-week gold standard study comparing the effect of withania somnifera on testosterone levels in overweight men ages 40-70 years old…

And found that on average…

Men Taking Withania Somnifera Got An Effortless 16% Boost In Testosterone…41

There are dozens of studies I can mention…

This herb is literally backed by hundreds of research papers now. However…

One final study I’ll mention was published in the National Library of Medicine…

It was a study with 58 participants…

Those who took 250 or 600 mg of withania somnifera extract for 8 weeks…

Had significantly reduced perceived stress… *


And lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol compared with those who took a placebo… *

And the group that took 600 mg of withania somnifera had the lowest cortisol levels of the 3 groups…42*

So as you can see withania somnifera is a powerful herb.

Here’s The Problem…


This herb alone tastes like an ashtray.

In India you’d take this herb, melt it into an extract, pour it into water or tea, stir and drink…

And some guys have to work themselves up for 10-minutes just to get it down.

And if it’s hardly palatable for them…

Imagine how our Western-diet taste buds will handle it.

Plus boiling down withania somnifera makes it hard to measure if you’re really getting the science-backed dosages I mentioned above, which is key…

So I set out to find a simple, enjoyable way to consume this herb daily…

Without the awful taste or hassle of having to boil it down into a tea.

I’m not a big fan of pills…

But hey, I am a closet “candy nut”...

And I got this crazy idea…

What If I Was Able To Eat This Powerful Anabolic Herb In Gummy Candy Form ?

I mean, you see gummy vitamins on shelves at the store all the time for kids…

So with a little innovation… it should be possible to take this putrid tasting powerhouse herb…

And turn it into an enjoyable experiencelike eating gummy candy at a movie theater.

So after some digging I finally connected with a specialty manufacturer who does just that…

They take hard to eat vitamins or herbs…

And put them through a unique process…

Infusing the science-backed dosages into an enjoyable, pleasant tasting gummy while maintaining its potency…

And that’s how we were able to create the world’s first “Anabolic Candy” called…



TestoChews is the first and only “anabolic candy” for men who want to raise testosterone, build head-turning muscle, torch stubborn fat, and feel energized almost like a kid again...*

By eating a sweet, chewy, gummy candy before bed.

Each piece of this “anabolic candy” contains a potent 750mg dose of withania somnifera…

To battle back against elevated cortisol levels… *

Fight the “shrinkage” in your muscles… *

And release the “death grip” that stubborn fat has had on your body all these years.*

Plus… to make TestoChews an even greater force to be reckoned with…

We Added A Powerful Dose Of Two Vitamins Shown To Support a Testosterone Levels In Men… *


The first is vitamin D…

Vitamin D plays a role in 1,000+ functions in your body… including testosterone production… *

And studies suggest that men with higher vitamin D levels have higher testosterone levels.43 *

The problem is…

Many men our age are deficient in vitamin D… 44 45

Meaning you aren’t getting enough of this vitamin into your diet to reap the benefits…

But the good news is…

You can easily help make up the difference with TestoChews…

Because one study published in the journal Hormone and Metabolic Research found that men who took 3000 IUs of vitamin D every day for a year…

Had Up To 25% Higher Testosterone Levels Than Those Who Didn’t… 46*

And inside TestoChews… we have a 4000 IU dose of vitamin D inside every chewy candy.

The second vitamin we added to TestoChews is zinc…

One study from Wayne State University School of Medicine found men who didn’t get enough zinc in their diets saw as much as a 74% drop in testosterone… 47

But By Increasing Zinc Intake These Deficient Men DOUBLED Their Testosterone Levels… 48*


And supplementing with zinc is especially important if you like to workout… or if you plan on starting a new exercise routine…

Because you lose zinc through sweat… which can contribute to lower testosterone levels if you don’t get enough zinc in your diet…

But supplementing with zinc like you’ll do with every bite-sized gummy inside TestoChews…

You can quickly help replenish your zinc levels and keep your testosterone in good shape. 49 *

Using TestoChews is so much easier than trying to get ashwagandha, zinc, and vitamin D into your diet through even more bland, boring, and bitter foods…

And it’s a LOT more enjoyable than swallowing a handful of horse pills every day.

All You Have To Do Is Pop One Tasty Gummy In Your Mouth Before Bed To Curb Cortisol And Help Reclaim Your Manhood…*

And when you finally put your cortisol levels in their proper place… *

You’ll feel a night-and-day difference.

Instead of occasionally waking up tired and running on fumes… *

You’ll have youthful energy that keeps you moving, working, and getting stuff done. *

Instead of feeling like you want to lay around and spend your evenings on the couch…

You’ll feel a renewed surge of motivation to hit the weights… *


And you’ll actually see results this time around… *

Because cortisol is less likely to eat your muscle or cause you to store more fat. *

And instead of feeling down in the dumps…

Like a “has been” who’s past his prime…

You’ll feel confident with all of that fresh testosterone pulsing through your veins… *

And it only goes “up” from there…

Because More Testosterone = More Muscle , More Strength , More Libido , And More Fun !

It’s amazing to think what something like a piece of “candy” can do nowadays…

But you can expect all of that and more when you make TestoChews a part of your evening routine…


And I want to remind you that even though you and I may be THRILLED about it…

Big Corporation is NOT . Truth is…

They would rather keep you held down…

Because they make a lot of money off guys 45+ who just want to feel like themselves again...

But here’s the truth:

Big Corporation’s methods don’t always address problems. Sometimes they just create new ones. But…

TestoChews Are a Nature-Based And Powerful Way To Reclaim Your Masculine Mojo… *

So let’s just say if Big Corporation finds out about our anabolic candy… they might start head-hunting…

So It’s Important To Act Now And Get Your Bottles Of TestoChews Before This Gets Censored…

Plus with everything going on in the world…

It’s crucial to take action while you can…

Because you never know if some major event may shake things up… make it harder to get the ingredients… or slow down our ability to produce TestoChews as quickly as we can right now.

And with that said…

I bet you’re chompin’ at the bit to get these powerful little gummies on your nightstand…


So Let Me Tell You How Easy And Affordable It Is To Get Your Bottles Of TestoChews...


In today’s economy every dollar matters…

And if you were to try and buy the ingredients inside TestoChews separately…

It could cost you $20-$40 more than what you’ll get when you buy TestoChews today.

Plus, it’s a hassle trying to keep track of several different supplements. But…

With TestoChews you get the exciting cortisol curbing and testosterone boosting power of the research-backed dose of withania somnifera, vitamin D, and zinc all in one simple, fruity bite. *

TestoChews is a brand new innovation in men’s health…

And we couldn’t be more excited to charter new ground so you can take charge of your masculinity in such a simple, enjoyable way.

And that’s why…

We’ve Done Everything In Our Power To Get TestoChews Down To The Lowest Price Possible…

Especially when you stock up on more bottles. So…

When you order 1 bottle of TestoChews from this page…

You’ll get your bottle for just $52 while supplies last…

But it gets better…

Because you’ll save money when you stock up on more bottles today…

And that’s because studies suggest the LONGER you take the ingredients inside TestoChews

The BETTER the results will be…

So we want to give you some extra incentive to grab more bottles while you can… so you can experience the benefits of TestoChews over the long-term… and make out like a bandit when you do… *

That’s why when you order 3 bottles of TestoChews you’ll get each bottle for just $47 per bottle…

And when you decide to stock up on 6 bottles of TestoChews you’ll get each bottle for just $37 per bottle…

Which is like paying $1.23 per day to reclaim your manhood…

Which is a no-brainer and something any guy can fit into his budget. Plus…

When you order TestoChews

You’ll Also Receive FREE Shipping In North America…

Which is another $14.95 wiped off your order.

So like I said…

We’re serious about getting TestoChews into the hands of as many men as possible…

Because you’ve suffered through this cold war with cortisol for long enough…

But now it’s time to bring in the big guns

And support a boost in testosterone, build sculpted muscle, gain tons of energy, and run circles around the old, tired, fuddy-duddy you saw in the mirror this morning.*

So Here’s What To Do Next…

If you’re serious about taking back what’s rightfully yours…

Attractive, eye-catching muscles… *

Grown man strength… *

Support for a pulsating sex-drive… *

Energy for the office, your hobbies, and the grandkids… *


A renewed sense of adventure…

A winning mentality…*

And the confidence reserved for guys with higher testosterone. * Then…

Choose The 3 or 6 Bottle Discounted Supply of TestoChews (Or Whatever Option Works Best for You)...

1 Bottle
30 Day Supply
per bottle
You Save $47
Free Shipping Included!
6 Bottles
180 Day Supply
per bottle
You Save $372
Free Shipping Included!

365- Day Money Back Guarantee

Free Shipping On All Orders

Secured Checkout

After you click the “order now” button…

You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order…

And we’ll ship your bottles right away…

So your supply of TestoChews arrives 5-7 business days from now. Plus…

When you order today, your bottles of TestoChews are backed by our…

Ironclad 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

You have a full year to test-drive TestoChews

And if for any reason you don’t find it’s easier to build lean muscle and strength… *

Or your mood and energy don’t take a turn in the right direction… *

Just send an email to our friendly customer service team to let us know… and you’ll get a full refund.


No questions asked. No hassles.

No annoying return process with a bunch of papers to fill out…

Or having to “argue your case”…

And no need to even return the bottles.

We’ve taken all the risk and hassle off your shoulders…

So you can order TestoChews with confidence and excitement… knowing you made the best choice today.

With that said…

I doubt you’ll want a refund.

We’ve shrunk the RESEARCH-BASED testosterone-boosting power of withania somnifera, vitamin D, and zinc into a delicious little gummy… *

So that you can EXPECT results and have an amazing experience…

So hurry and grab your bottles now while we’re still in stock and this page is still up and running…

Choose The 3 or 6 Bottle Discounted Supply of TestoChews (Or Whatever Option Works Best for You)...

1 Bottle
30 Day Supply
per bottle
You Save $47
Free Shipping Included!
6 Bottles
180 Day Supply
per bottle
You Save $372
Free Shipping Included!

365- Day Money Back Guarantee

Free Shipping On All Orders

Secured Checkout

If you’re still wondering if TestoChews is right for you…

I want to break down your options as clearly as I can…

There Are Only 3 Options Of Where To Go From Here…


You can forget the information you learned today… based on individual ingredient research by top universities and medical clinics…

About how the “cannibal-like” chemical, cortisol…

Is the biggest threat to your masculinity…

And has been one of the hidden contributors behind your borderline-invincible fat

A factor in muscle loss

Shrinking sex-drive

And lack of energy and motivation.

You can continue down the long, boring road paved with bones that most men take after hitting 45…

Where you settle for being a shell of the man you used to be… and a fraction of the man you want to be.


If you choose this option, you’ll have to look yourself in the mirror everyday questioning if you made the right decision…

you’ll still suffer with a lack of self confidence…

you’ll have to live with the consequences of inaction…

But it won’t only affect you…

What about your wife and kids… what will THEY think?

Your wife is still a woman with real sexual attraction and desires

Do you think you’ll keep her attention if your body keeps expanding from this fat-storing hormone?

Do you think she’ll put up with it forever?

What will your kids think when their friends’ dads are out playing ball with them…

But carrying all your extra body fat in the hot sun makes you call it quits after 5-minutes?

And don’t you want to be the “fun” grandpa when they have kids of their own…

To be able to run in the yard… play in the pool… and be a big and strong role model for them?

Of course you do…

No guy wants to deal with the consequences of choosing to “do nothing”…

So this first option is a “no go”...


You can take everything you learned today about cortisol and your masculinity…

Try to fight the battle without a sword and shield.

You can follow the little breathing exercises or meditation…

But 2-minutes later you’ll be back to the blood-boiling reality of whatever was stressing you out before.

You can spend more money trying to get the ingredients inside TestoChews separately…

Which will cost you more money



And who wants to swallow a handful of pills when they could just pop a piece of candy in their mouth?

And even then, you run the risk of getting the wrong ingredients with ineffective dosages

That’ll leave you no better off than you were before.

That’s a lot of hassle and much more expensive for little or potentially no results…

Which is why this second option doesn’t make much sense either…

Option #3: Order Your Discounted Supply Of Testochews Risk-Free Today And Feel Like “The Man” Again

All you have to do is eat one delicious piece of our TestoChews anabolic candy before bed…

And you’ll begin to support the proper balance between cortisol and testosterone… *

And as your cortisol levels go down and your testosterone levels go up… *

You’ll see remarkable changes to your body and life. *

You’ll wake up with energy almost like a teenager… but with the wisdom of a guy who’s been around the block a few times… *

And carry that “alpha” feeling and with you virtually all day… *

You’ll have more aggression in the gym to crush the weights and push yourself harder than most guys half your age… *


And the muscles on your chest, shoulders, and arms will swell up like inflatable balloons. Plus… *

The stubborn pockets of fat will melt awayFAST when added to your solid diet and exercise regimen… *

Feel better in your office uniform…

And with a chiseled upper body…

You’ll look DAMN GOOD when the shirt comes off.

Your wife will praise you for how you’ve taken charge of your health…

And “reward” you in more ways than one. And…

The Two Of You Can Have As Much Fun In The Bedroom As Your Honeymoon Days.

And your kids…

Yeah, they’ll think you’re a badass(though they might hesitate to say the “A-word” in front of you)...

Because that’s what everyone thinks of fit older guys…

Whether you’re just starting to get that “salt and pepper” look in your beard…

Or you’re a “silver fox” stud that refuses to quit.

And isn’t it crazy that all of that’s achievable by eating a piece of “candy” before bed?

We live in crazy times…

But it ain’t ALL bad…

So if you want to calm your cortisol and unleash your testosterone… and experience all the perks reserved for guys who take charge of their masculinity… *

This is the best option for you.

So don’t wait any longer…

Especially while you can claim your bottles of TestoChews for a huge discount… with FREE shipping… and 100% risk-free.

Choose The 3 or 6 Bottle Discounted Supply of TestoChews (Or Whatever Option Works Best for You)...

1 Bottle
30 Day Supply
per bottle
You Save $47
Free Shipping Included!
6 Bottles
180 Day Supply
per bottle
You Save $372
Free Shipping Included!

365- Day Money Back Guarantee

Free Shipping On All Orders

Secured Checkout

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is TestoChews for?

TestoChews is for men 45+ who want to feel the power of youthful testosterone levels again. *

By eating one TestoChews gummy before bed, you’ll have support to help reduce cortisol, boost testosterone… *

And you’ll build muscle, burn fat, feel motivated, and enjoy energy almost like when you were younger… *

So if that sounds like something you want, then TestoChews is for you.

What are the ingredients inside TestoChews?

TestoChews is packed with 750 mg of the cortisol-lowering and testosterone-boosting powerhouse, withania somnifera… along with two key vitamins and minerals (vitamin D and zinc) for maintaining healthy testosterone levels. *

How long before I see results?

No guy is exactly alike. You may notice a difference after the first night of taking TestoChews or it may take a few weeks. Either way…

Studies suggest the longer you use the ingredients in TestoChews, the better the results will be… which is why we recommend stocking up on the 3 or 6 bottle option for the biggest savings and best results. *

What if it doesn’t work for me?

That’s very unlikely. The ingredients inside TestoChews work like gangbusters for most guys. But if for any reason that’s not the case just send an email to our friendly customer service team within a year of your purchase and we’ll issue a full refund.

No questions asked. No hassles. You won’t even have to send the bottles back. This is a rare zero-risk, all-reward opportunity for you to reclaim your manhood.

When will my order arrive?

When you order your supply of TestoChews today, you can expect your bottles to arrive in the mail 5-7 business days from now.

I’m ready to order! How do I do that again?


Just select the amount of bottles you’d like us to send you… I recommend the 3 bottle option, the 6 bottle option, or whichever option works best for you…

Click the “Order Now” button…

Complete the secure checkout form on the following page…

And your bottles of TestoChews will arrive at your door just 5-7 business days.

So go ahead and do that now while this limited-time discount is still available and while we still have bottles in stock.

Choose The 3 or 6 Bottle Discounted Supply of TestoChews (Or Whatever Option Works Best for You)...

1 Bottle
30 Day Supply
per bottle
You Save $47
Free Shipping Included!
6 Bottles
180 Day Supply
per bottle
You Save $372
Free Shipping Included!

365- Day Money Back Guarantee

Free Shipping On All Orders

Secured Checkout

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
